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A wide variety of usable waste can be recycled or reused at Upcycle Kernow CIC. 


We specialise in those things you can't pop in your kerbside box - batteries, printing ink cartridges, small electrical items including vapes, and a selection from the Terracycle range. Full details of how to drop off your recycling can be found further down this page. 


We also accept a variety of tools for use in our workshop which helps to support our busy Tool Library, which makes our Repair Cafés and other community group activities possible.


Selected textiles, haberdashery, wood, diy equipment and arts & crafts materials can also be utilized through our various projects.


If you would like to donate any of these items, please contact us to arrange delivery - as you can imagine, storage is key during the refurbishment. â€‹


Please note: we donot accept furniture, and we donot repair items for resale.

​But we are always on the look out for extra-ordinary materials or hidden gems, so do get in touch with us if you have more unique items to donate! 


Please contact us at for further details

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How do I drop of my recycling?

​​​STEP 1: ​

Please ensure your recycling is clean, dry and as flat as possible.  We only accept specific items for recycling - please check the list below. If it's not on the list we donot accept it! 

                                              STEP  2: 

                                                     Please separate your recycling into its relevant waste stream - check the section

                                                     below for details on each stream. A top tip is to fill a bread bag with each waste stream, as once

                                                     emptied by us, we can recycle the Bread Bag through the relevant stream.



STEP 3: ​

Our collection box is accessible 24/7 and is situated behind the low fence, right of the SECOND gate,  as you enter our carpark. what3words:      It is emptied on a daily basis but if you have large amounts, please contact us to arrange delivery​.  




STEP 4: ​

We package up your recycling for collection.

For further details on each of the companies we work with, please email us at


what we accept


The Warburtons Bakery Recycling Programme.jpg
  • What can I recycle?
    Please see our recycling posters above for details of what you can recycle and how to pre-sort your recycling before you drop it off. We also accept batteries, printing ink cartridges and small electrical items, including vapes. We no longer accept pet food packaging, crisp, biscuit or sweet wrappers. Please donot leave cardboard or other items not recycled by us. Thank you
  • Do you take Tetrapacks?
    No we do not take tetrapacks (orange juice, soya, almond, oat milk cartons etc). These can be taken to your nearest council operated recycling centre. Please follow this link to find your nearest centre.
  • How do I drop off my recycling?
    Our drop off point is accessible 24/7 The collection box is a repurposed chest freezer, with a lift up lid - be sure you are lifting the freezer handle and not the wooden sign, as it can seem to be locked but it's definitely not! The box is located along our main fence to the right of the Upcycle Kernow entrance. what3words: Please check out our 'How to Recycle' section above, for details on how to package your recycling before dropping it off. Please do not leave cardboard or other items not on the list. Please note we no longer accept pet food packaging or crisp, biscuit & sweets wrappers.
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